دوستم میگفت مردم این روزها اعصاب ندارن اما من ساده باورم نمی شد
پی نوشت:خدا رو شکر که مثل بنده ات آدما را با خطاهاشون سریع مواخذه نمیکنی...دلم گرفته اس خیلیفردا میرم محل کارم، دریا ،عذر میخوام اگه بهتون سر نزدم .Appendix 3Entertainments,Invitation and Polite offer1.Sports,Moves, and music are entertainment.I like Iranian traditional music and some of the pop music too. traditional music is really great.I don't like jazz,rock,hip-hop and another's American music and the American singers .My favorite singer is Shahram Nazeri.I have an instrument music too,it called Setar,but I can't play it.I like Yani and Vangelis.They are really awesome. So, about movies and actors.Gladiator and The Lord Of The Rings are my favorite foreign movies. How about you? what type of movies do you like?I Like historical , horror movies .I watch the movie once or twice a month on my computer. My favorite athlete is Leo Messi.My favorite sports team is FC Barcelona , and my favorite soccer team is brazil.2.We use "would you like" for Invitation a person or offer things.For example: My friend invited me to a concert. He said : Would you like to go to a pop concert on Saturday night?And I said : yes I'd like to.Then he said:Would you like to go to the restaurant after the concert? I said : I'd like to, but I want to stay at home and read for my exam.Then He said would you like an apple? I said happily :Yes ,please.