بیت المال یا بیت الحال؟؟؟!!!!!!
يكشنبه, ۱۴ شهریور ۱۳۹۵، ۱۰:۴۳ ق.ظ
فیش های نجومی، ماجرای زمین های شهرداری و شکسته شدن رکورد اختلاسها در روز های اخیر تو این مملکت چه خبره....شما رو به خدا بس کنید حالت تهوع گرفتیم.مسلمانی به کنار انسانیت تون کجا رفته....... Appendix 5Work OutI am not a professional athlete. Swimming , Football , Fitness and do bicycle are my favorite activities. How about you ? What kind of those activities do you like ? I don't have a regular program to do my favorite sport. I am pretty busy. This here-our platform- I go to the gym and do bicycle and lifting weights for an hour , from 16:00 to 17:00 in 12 days of 14 days. But I wish to have a regular program this here and at home. I love swimming , but I can't do it. There is not a good and clean pool in my town. I want to learn swim, and I will do that.Yesterday:03-sep-2016Yesterday was a difficult day. Always Shift change days are difficult days. I was awake whole last night. After breakfast, I went to bed ,till 10:00, just for two hours. Then I woke up and went to control room , And stayed there, till 19:00. After that, I was tired, but I went to the sports room and do bicycle, Then ate dinner. We had fish for dinner. I brushed my teeth and went to bed around 22:00.
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